Nagado's Request (episode 133)


We've arrived at the end of Art Geek Zoo Season 2. Can you believe it? Looking back it seems like it's gone by so fast. Season 2 started at the end of August 2009... so much has happened since then, in the story of AGZ and in my day to day life with becoming a dad, progression of my software consulting business, then starting to make a game and shelving it temporarily to start a second game that's coming out very soon... things have been busy and awesome.

Saying that reminds me - I'll be sure to blog more about the interesting behind the scenes stuff of the past year and what's currently going on soon. I miss sharing those behind-the-scenes kinds of of posts.

So what's next? Comics on will continue, however we'll be taking a break from the main plot to visit new "Rob's Day Off - Sort of" comics and a new "AGZ Mini" series. Now that my archive of comics is building up, I'm considering posting some "classic" re-posts with commentary as well.

Thanks for reading Art Geek Zoo! .\m/
