HTML5 Game Workshop Scoreboard and Student Work

The one-hour version of Underwater Tomato Ninja - HTML5 Game Development and Design took place this past weekend at Kids Read Comics 2012. Twice actually, once on Saturday and once on Sunday!

One of the outcomes of the workshop is sharing custom versions of the game made by the attendees and the custom high scoreboard. My initial plan was to have the students guide the changes I make on the large screen, even though it was only an hour long workshop, some were already into customizing the game. 

More thoughts to come, meanhwile here's the custom versions of the game and the official score board from KRC 2012's two instances of the workshop!

Thank you to all the kids, teens, and parents who took part! Also, thank you to AADL and Kids Read Comics for adding Underwater Tomato Ninja to the programming of KRC 2012!