A Brief Conversation With Doubt and A Few More Thoughts

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Posting once a week to this blog is a practice. It's not as much practice as daily was, but it's something.

I'm pondering posting more again because I miss the variety when I'm posting frequently. It feels like a bigger event when it's once a week, like I need to be sure to bring forth approachable, fun, insightful thoughts on human centered systems minded design as a must-have if I'm only showing up weekly.

Darn that gallery of inner critics. They take so much wrangling in order to channel that energy and concern in a useful direction.

Twice darn those inner critics. The blog is a workshop where I bring any writing I wish. As a result it's a mashup of all kinds of professional and personal interests. If you're a UX designer who loves visual storytelling sometimes using the language of comics and making interactive games that are meant to both entertain and inform and sometimes give classes and talks about any and all the above, you are super dialed in to things I am into writing about. Seriously, I am curious how many of those categories are useful and/or interesting for you, that's why I leave comments on posts for a week and have a contact page as a backup option to reach me.

Why not post more? I write most days, it's not like I don't have something I could share. I have this blog that's a safe enough place to workshop and share. I need to seriously consider posting daily again.

What if I don't keep a schedule going? What if I share too much of a project in development and it takes a long time to complete and people get frustrated or even worse: stop caring.

Inner critics are a variety of negative points of view. Doubt is such a hollow crappy mind voice. Doubt shows up and says almost nothing with almost no basis for reasoning and somehow lands its idea like a super skilled presenter pitching the best idea anyone's ever heard. Except it's not a whole story that makes sense. At best doubt has a what-if-blank happens. What ifs are the voice of doubt's greatest tool.

Ok. My annoyance at doubt is enough fuel to give publishing more frequently again a try. It may be a mix of blogging and other social posting. It may include my newsletter. In fact, this whole post is much like a "Wonderings and Reflections" section in my newsletter. So far I publish one every 4 weeks or so. It's a way to get extra thoughts from me on creativity, design, and related cares and concerns.

If I sound like I haven't planned all this through, we're on the same page.

Let me see if in this next week I get more posts that one published and go from there.